Club Policies
RCGA rules govern all play,
except as modified by the following:
2. Red penalty areas marked by red stakes on No. 3, 4, 10, 11, 12 13 & 14. Yellow penalty areas marked by yellow stakes in front of tee on No 4&11.
3. All flower and shrub beds are mandatory lift – MUST drop within one club length of nearest point of relief not nearer the hole. No penalty.
4. Golf Cars are not permitted within the yellow stakes around greens.
5. Golfers must repair ball marks, smooth footprints and fill divots
Personal Cart Usage Policy
All members who are registered cart owners are required to sign a Cart Usage Waiver letter of understanding. By signing this document, it is understood that the member has reviewed the Paragon policy on cart usage and will adhere to with all rules and regulations concerning the use of their cart as directed by the Board of Directors. All member carts are to be kept in serviceable condition at all times, and may be inspected periodically by staff to ensure this. The loaning of personal carts to individuals not registered as cart owners, or guests is strictly not permitted. Personal carts are for the owner/owners’ personal use only and are not to be loaned to other individuals. Misuse of this policy will be subject to disciplinary measures by Club management, and the Board of Directors.

Personal Cart Usage
In 2024, Paragon will be accepting 25 new member carts, to a cap of 110 carts in total in our storage compound. All members who are registered cart owners are required to sign a “Cart Usage Waiver” letter of understanding. By signing this document, it is understood that the member has read the Paragon policy on cart usage and will comply with all rules and regulations therein.
All member carts are to be kept in serviceable condition at all times and may be inspected by staff periodically to ensure compliance. The loaning of personal carts to non-registered cart owners or guests is not permitted.
Personal carts are for the owner/owner’s personal use only and are not to be loaned to other individuals. Misuse of this policy will be subject to disciplinary measures by management and the BOD.
Dress Code:
Appropriate footwear must be worn on the course. Golf sandals are acceptable with or without socks. A soft spike policy is in effect.
Dress attire not allowed on the course:
• Sweat pants, sport shorts, short shorts or cut-offs
• Shirts with lewd logos
• Tank tops or halter tops

Alcohol Usage:
- Alcohol consumed on course property must be purchased at Paragon.
- Excessive consumption will not be tolerated.
Code of Conduct
The intention of this policy is to establish clear and acceptable behavior expectations for the Paragon Golf and Country Club (herein referred to as the “Club”) members, employees and guests. The intent is to ensure that all persons are treated with dignity and respect while playing, working or volunteering at Paragon Golf and Country Club golf course, practice facilities and clubhouse. The Club deems that upon payment of membership or guest fees all members and guests have given their consent to abide by this code of conduct.
Objectives: The Club’s vision is a welcoming community for all. To that end, the objective of this policy is to ensure an environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, abuse and violence for members, employees, and guests.
Responsibilities: By applying for and accepting membership in the Club, every member is deemed to agree to the following: 1. Their privileges and rights are governed by the Club bylaws, policies and rules; and 2. The conduct of each member is subject to the Club bylaws, policies, and rules.
Conduct: All members and guests will: 1. Conduct themselves with personal integrity and in a sportsmanlike manner. 2. Respect the rights of all other members, employees, and guests. 3. Not engage in any form of discrimination or harassment. 4. Respect the golf course, equipment, and facilities. 5. Refrain from any illegal use of drugs or excessive use of alcohol. 6. Abide by all local, provincial, and national laws and regulations. 7. Be an ambassador for the Paragon Golf and Country Club.